Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Screaming from deep inside,
No foundation to hold.
Life scrambles about,
With no salvation seekable.
Breathing deeply,
They stare,
They watch,
Yet still,
Life does no notice.
Why does life pass so quickly,
No great accomplishments are made,
Unspeakable memories crowd them,
Heartache and sorrow,
Unwant and pain.
They sit,
They stare,
The cold swallows them,
The frost bites at them,
Yet life takes no interest.
Life leaves them;
Deserts them,
Leaving them so many cares,
So many wonders,
But still no speck of a significant life.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

just another stupidity!!

“what is love…if you can lose everything?” I often asked this to everybody who claimed to be in love. One person even said, “lose it all…its fuckin’ worth it!” and I just laughed it off!! I gave him a certain explanations…but more than to him, I was wxplaining things to myself. Things and reasons…which could prevent me from loving someone beyond my capabilities!!
All my life, since I started to know about people and emotions, and deciet, up till now, I was always scared of love. I always believed that love isn’t for me. Now I realize that up till now, I wasn’t really worthy of love!
After reading a certain piece if my writing, one of my mentors, way older than me, said, “Now you have again restored my beliefs in love!” On the same piece, my mom commented, “I’m falling in love all over again! You understand the risks involved and the prices that need to be paid.” But, frankly, now when I read what I wrote back then, it seems more like an account of a scared kid who was daring enough to fiddle with life, but so immature to take a risk regarding her own feelings!!
I found someone and fell head over heels for him. I thought it was what they call “love”… how wrong was I!?! I realized it last night that it was just a mad, blinding, crazy infatuation! Love is not blind! Though it compels you to follow your heart without a question, it makes you do extremely stupid things for somebody- things, which otherwise you wouldn’t have done for anybody!!
“Love”, as they say, makes you wake for nights, just thinking about your mate, thinking about the things you’d like to tell him/her whenever you meet/talk next… pretty much like planning, eh! “Love” makes you feel the “beauty of a jilted flower”, and the pleasure “of the December chills on your naked body”… but, then, “Love”, as they call it, also makes you so involved that a mere thought of losing the one, brings tears to your eyes.. it made me cry when we reached the verge! “Love”, as they call it, makes you unsure of what exactly you want out of it. Some even go to the extent of saying, “Love and Death are sister-concerns!”
Yesterday while reading a book by Paulo Coelho, I learnt that so far I’d been letting the “Other”, as he terms it, to intrude into my emotions. This “Other” doesn’t let us be what we actually should have been… instead it makes us become what we think is the right way to be!!
All this while, since I thought I was in love, I was scared of him, scared of “losing” myself completely to him. I told him that I cannot grant him my “seriousness”… and I knew that he deserved it all, and I knew it was useless to hold back… knowing all this, made me scared of him. Now it almost makes me laugh!! I thought I love him. On second thoughts, I still think that I do love him… but now, the picture is so different.
I was flustered by my feelings. I was frustrated over my uncontrolled emotions. I was angry upon myself for missing him every minute. I was agitated why anything analogical to my rush made me go back to every memory related to him!?!
Everything that catches you off-guard cannot be accepted for sometime. Same was the case with me… I couldn’t believe that a girl like me can be so swayed away by emotions… and just when my heart started to give up, and I prepared to run away from him, just when I decided that I’m giving it all up… my friend came to my rescue. She urged me to accept everything I’d been trying to deny to myself. She coaxed me to take a risk this time even and follow my instincts!! (She believes my instincts are true to me!)
I took the risk, I accepted that “Yes, I’m seriously involved this time…”
I could feel my rush taking a new course!! I no longer need him to hear me out whenever I’m feeling low. I no longer miss him. I no longer feel that its necessary for me to sort out my emotions. Because now I really feel that he’s as much a part of me…as my mind!! And now I realize that what someone told me, was quite true, “Lose it all… its fuckin’ worth it!!”
Yes, he’s worth it. And yes, now I’m worthy too!!
Maybe I’m sounding like lunatics, and maybe my words make no sense at all!!
The song is right- It must have been the lunatics who invented love!
And now, that I know that I love him, I’m no longer scared of him. I’m no longer scared of being a maniac! And now that I’ve accepted that I’m serious for him, I’m no longer scared of losing him even… and I know that’s inevitable! Because I’m happy that there was somebody in my life who could bring this out from me… who could actually make me realize that “limit” shall be no word in life! And I’m happy that I shared myself with him!!

Yes, I do sound like a maniac!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

i could have....(the final parting words for someone who was once the dearest!)

when the winter gave way to spring,
but the dew still settled on flowers,
i liked you back then, when you loved me
i could have given my heart to you in June showers!!

i remember your eyes when you proposed..
they were wet with emotions, they were true
i remember how i liked you when you sang songs to me..
i could have stayed in your arms, and drowned in you!!

how i sometimes miss those stupid little jokes we cracked
and that insane code-language which only we could understand..
i remember those nights we spent chatting away..
i could have chosen you to hold my hand!!

so vividly i do remember the kiss we stole,
when you sneaked on my rooftop on New Year's eve
i still remember the thrill of your seduction..
i could have surrendered to your touch so deep!!

now when i look back, i no longer feel the pain
instead, now i cherish what we used to be!
that was the first time i felt so close to someone..
someone who just knew how to steal myself away from me!!

i could have let you to touch my core..
i could have been yours, alone..
i could have never left you..
i could have Loved You......
but i just couldn't!!!


Look at her,
her face drips blood,
pouring tears of acid rain.

Heartache all among the ruins,
lost in a world of confusion,
minds all crazed and broken parted,
faces grey and rotting corpses.

Sitting lost among the living,
watching, waiting, needing something.

Fire from hell itself,
never ending to be out.
Fear gripped faces of the future,
longing to feel the warmth,

Look around the world of living,
wonder why there's nothing there.
People round the world are calling,
walking into danger's core.

Laughter gone and submersed,
screams anger from inside,
seize the darkness,
come down under.

Watch the moments grow stronger,
looking down i see your pain,
anger deep in core of man,
it wishes to be free to wander,
longing for something to hold.

Watch the clock as it ticks by,
death is coming in with every breath,
wait a minute, stop the yelling,
voices start to fade and wander,
calling out as they go by.

People wishing, people dreaming,
saying prayers no one hears.
looking up they see the light,
going down the pain grows stronger.
For one moment it seems right,
for one second they can't wait.
Screaming as they go down under,
pain is coming, they can feel.

Watching, waiting and wondering,
looking for something to grasp.
Asking when will it be over,
getting nothing in return.


In the abyss of time
you've been played like a toy
the rhythm of the pendulum
will rip you a void
mind,structure,and spirit
you begin to lose control
love will forfeit you
to a place that's damp and cold
empty and alone
hiding in the dark
you've suffered this before
with a decaying heart
fastened in your thoughts
imprisoned behind bars
crimson gore will trickle
down those pale-dead arms
nightmares of the past
entities you've lost
happiness and joy
frozen, unable to defrost
eyelids linger shut
betrayal of light
because of the massacres
you surrender to the night


Let me out
Set me free

I need to be set free
I'm burning up inside from crying about nothing.
Let me out,Let me out!!

Let me fly
Let my wings expand
Let my feathers fly away into the sunset
Let me free out of this cage, it is too small.
Take me away
Take me away from this place
Take me away from him
Take me home with you I need out of this place
It is to complicated and scary.

Leave me alone
Just let me free for a day or two
I need time to figure out who are my friends and who aren't.
Just let me out, set me free, let me fly

I'm a bird that needs to migrate south,

So let me free, let me go
I'll be back at summer.
I promise I will be back in time

For hot summer days
To go jump the ice cold pool.

I'm a polar bear just let me sleep my anger off during the winter.
I promise I will be back

For those hot ball games with sunflower seeds.

I promise I will love you,
Just give me some time,
Give me some space to think.

Monday, October 20, 2008

PLIGHT OF BEING.......19!!!!

plight of being 19, is more than grave!
sometimes, i'm made to feel, i recieved more than i gave!!
sometimes i feel being unfair to, and treated bad...
the plight of being 19, is to take pride in being uselessly sad!!!

plight of being 19, is that you just never know!
unknowingly, shamelessness becomes a part of the status quo!!
the feeling of being a part of everything, yet away from all...
the plight of being 19, are the changing fashions with every fall!!!

plight of being 19, is the social acceptance!
the matching vibes and intellectual equivalence!!
discussions about politics, wardrobes and boyfriends...
the plight of being 19, is that these discussions never end!!!

plight of being 19, is the liking towards blaring music!
finding it is cool to be on-the-face and abusive!!
driving bikes and cars top gear, full- speed, just to show-off...
the plight of being 19, is to give the parents an endless list to scoff!!!

plight of being 19, is that money never stays!
no matter how much the pocket-money, it all goes away!!
tempted by Mills'n'Boons, about privacy, so neurotic...
the plight of being 19, is the challenge to stay-off from narcotics!!!

plight of being 19, is actually no "plight" at all..
its just superficial confusions, that's all!!
time 'n' again struck by the Cupid descending from the moon...
the last part of being 19, is that this stupid Teenage would end soon!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008


song written by- Persei
lyrics & sung by-- ME!!!!

sometimes...Goodbye is the only way....

one word, so easy to say, so hard to mean!
one end... troubling you, killing me...

standing in the doorway of past,

outside, the life is dancing, moving fast...


i say to life, i say to the memories, i say to myself.
i close the doors, to light, close it down to any help..


incredulously, i lose the battle waging within.
i say to the attitude with which i've always been...

sitting in the dark corners of gloom

fading smiles, in the wintery bloom...


i say to the dew drops resting on the flowers
i say to my every tear shed upon all my scars...

Is it so easy, then?

when i know that i'm still there from where i should have left!
Is it so easy, then?
when i know how bad i feel when life's no more deft!
Is it so easy, then?
when i know that the cherished smiles won't let me be...
Is it so easy, then?
when i know that life is a stage, and my part, a soliloquy!!

Is it so easy to say "Goodbye!"

when i need a support to help me stand?
Is it so easy?
when i need you to hold my hand?....

i let out the last sigh...

for now i know, i'm worth no more....

Saturday, October 18, 2008

when i think about you.....(a teenage-love-fantasy!!)

if i only had two wishes,
one of them would be
to live my life with you--
just the two of us for eternity...
i'd share my secrets with you
you'd always be the one i'd need..
you'd be my life and companion so true!!

when i go-off to sleep
and when i wake-up each day
i yearn to be with you
its impossible to stay away...

i'd love being able to grow old
as long as we are together
i'd see through the wrinkles even
honey, i'd love you forever...
our lives would race by us
its always the good times that go-by so fast
we'd have so much to look back on
when our lives would have finally passed.

and this brings me to my second wish
the one that would ward-off my every strife..
to not only live-in my dreams with you
and be so happy all along my life..
but to be able, at the end of my life,
make you feel the feelings you see in me,
to be able to die in your arms...
and have you hold me eternally!!!

(ahem!! didn't know from where did it come to me!!)

Living In A Nightmare!!!!!

i dozed-off in sweet-dreams
just to be shaken by reality
i felt protected in my rugs
before being shuddered by adversity..
it started with a bliss
with a peaceful mileu around
then it became all red
people all dead on ground!!
the redness of blood...
the stink of decaying rout...
i couldn't find my voice,
i couldn't even shout...
the face of death..
oh! it was so dignified!!
took so much alongwith
and left the survivors horrified!!
i woke up shivering
avoiding the clock's stare...
time is mocking upon us,
fleeting by & leaving us with this nightmare!!
we've covered the reddened grounds
with buildings of metal & steel
we have become armoured clowns--
people who can no longer feel!!
we have covered the truth
but cannot reduce it to a lie
and it shows its brutal face time 'n' again--
when many are forced to die
we live on countless innocents
who were slayed & shot dead
we walk everyday upon victims
of some savage, criminal head..
who's to play the hero,
when everything's unfair??
who'll save us countless, coward mortals...
living in a nightmare!?!?

Friday, October 17, 2008


what is that we conquer
when we fall in love??
endless pain!
tearful eyes!
sleeplessness, or
monsoon nights!!

sudden shudder of chilly winds!
or unexpected flashbacks of someone...
who's not with you anymore.....

a hollow heart, or fazed mind
or regret over unsaid feelings...
a sorrowful life!!
feeling of being not alive,
nor dead....

love, at the end,
is a mesmerised,
an unfortunate tale!!!


somewhere, the sun rises
and in my mind, i see you beside me
somewhere, i cradle the phone
your voice still lingers in my ears
can you still hear me? do you still see?
you're all that i have, and will always be!

somewhere the rain starts to fall
and in my heart, i hold you close to me
somewhere i reach out my hand
wanting your fingers entwined with mine...
can you still feel me? do you still see?
you're all that i want, and will ever need!

somewhere the birds begin to sing
and in my soul, i ache to have you near me
somewhere i breathe out a soft, lonely sigh
your whispers echo in my mind...
can you still touch me? do you still see?
you're all i dream about, and forever you'll be!

somewhere the clouds drift slowly by
and in my ears, i hear you laugh
somewhere i look shyly at the ground
your eyes meet with mine
can you still need me? do you still see?
you're all i care about, and it'll always be!

somewhere across thousands of miles
my eyes look to the stars and i smile...
and in an instant, i realise.....

Thursday, October 16, 2008



the heartbreak teenager....

secrets, secrets!
lies, lies!
she sits in her room,
and cries and cries!!
there's no more trust
in this girl's heart...
she found out--
that life isn't perfect!

she lived in her dreams
as people often do.
but she crawled out
into a world everyone knew..

things that once were,
happiness once known
the truth of it all,
to her was shown!!

her shattered heart
would never trust again..
she'll never know
a real true love again!!

no more trust
for no more lies...
she sits in her room,
away she dies.......!!

since before....

since before i read your poems,
i've loved you!!
since before i found your soul repeating my thoughts
prior to when i uttered them,
i've loved you!!
since before your face walked into the depths of my heart,
i've loved you!!
i've loved you before i even knew of love!
i've loved you before i was aware of our connection!
i've loved you when silence was the only companion
which shared the journey of my days!!
so, ask me not what this moment brings
when you cross my thoughts
with a warm smile played upon the fingers of my words..
ask me not, for this is an instance
where all that is required of us
is to listen to the sound of my soul's harbinger
wafting idly the wings of my dreams...
while your reflection is observed
in the teacups of my existence
an offer of the surety that at such a time
even a silent breeze breaks the most sardonic of quiets
with that silent whisper, my angel,

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

the language of your dance....(a friend wrote dat for me!)

in blinding lights,
what is this dance you do?
your movements move me..
your locks flow...
your legs continue to move with such grace..
your arms and hands show every emotion
you've been scared,
your heart been broken
your eyes show so much passion!!

what is this dance you do!?!?
its an unknown language...

as your hair slashes your face,
your footwork kept the beat
such grace, so poised
your eyes show so much pain...
when you twirled, it was as if
a fountain of tears swirled around you...
your motion and motivation tears my heart

this unknown language of sadness, yet passion
is finally understood....

The Language Of Dance
its what you speak...
and only i understood
its what only i can understand!!

(i must say dat i'm whole heartedly flattered!!)


red grass, grey skies.
sick people, sad goodbyes.
dark days, empty nights.
dying people, violent fights.
frightened kids, scared moms.
divorced parents, lost bonds.
starving children, bloodthirsty thugs.
innocent victims, kids with drugs.
devil worshippers, constant crime.
shot of a gun, nothing's fine.

careless adults, confused youth.
countless faults, child abuse.
selling drugs, peer pressure.
spreading AIDS, prostitute pleasure.
daily abductions, victims of rape.
so much pain, few ever escape.

turning to suicide, ending the life.
psycho pathkillers, blade of a knife.
agony of loss, a broken heart.
painful love, being ripped apart.
homeless people, the joy of hurting.
a love's child, so many uncertain.
pregnant teens, unstoppable STDs.
ashamed heritage, so many wannabes.
sibling hatered, dangerous obssessions.
optionated critics, devastating suggestions.

killing family, betraying friends.
as lust begins, honesty ends...
hopeless tomorrow, doubtful future.
destroying the mind, sickening humour.
neverending illness, too much disease.

can it stop ever? someone tell me please!!

animal-like torture, alone a new-born cry.
abandoned infants, left to die.
sleeping around, simply for lust.
decietful fellows, losing all trust.
breaking the laws, getting away.
courtroom injustice, its the victims who pay!!

who's wrong? who's right?
criminals admired, have we lost sight!?!

broken families, few who pray.
the ugliest outlook coming-off each day
forgotten morals, money-hungry fools.
disgraceful greed, all befriend to use!!

so many questions, such few answers
waiting to know, but all happens much faster
when did it happen? how did it start?
who's to blame for letting our world fall apart!?!?


how i searched far and wide
by the beach, watching the tide
everyone watched how i cried
inside.... my soul died!!

wondering why things always fall apart
how i long for a fresh new start
for the pain has made its mark
and my heart is in so dark..
tears fall from my eyes
from hearing everyone's lies
inside, my heart dies!!

i look at you
wondering what i'll do!?!
my wants are, but, few
still, you haven't got a clue
you leave no words at all
a dumb silence for my call
and i grasp at blindness in dark...

the feelings are still there
even after knowing no-one cares
all everyone does is stare

i give the last sigh of grief
for then i know its all over...
the memories fade to a shadow
for then i realise.....

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


lonely voices crying in the city
lonely voices sounding like a child!
lonely people looking around in the city
too disturbed, to stop a while...

lonely voices fill my dreams

lonely voices haunt my memories
lonely faces looking for the sunrise..
just to find another busy day!!

lonely faces all around the city

men afraid and too ashamed to pray
lonely faces i do see
lonely faces haunt my memories...

lonely people live in every city

men who face a dark, lonely grave...
lonely faces i do see...
lonely voices calling to you and me....

Monday, October 13, 2008


sometimes when i just sit down...
and push my brains into some rare thinking,
some thoughts then flash into my mind..
and i wonder if my my life's really stinking!?!

my stands are always questioned, i'm a declared addict!
my mind is contagious..and dark are my verdicts!!

its all in my head, yet, i can't explain..
its all in my wounds, still you won't see my pain!!

my mind is dead, my thoughts are gore..
i get enough poison to drink, yet i want more!!

i wanna see your limits, i'm holding hard on my nerve
you call me dark, aura is murk!!
you have questions to ask, but nothing i'd like to tell
you call me stubborn...yes, arrogance fills my every cell!!

its all in my head, yet i can't explain
its all in my wounds, still you won't see my pain...

i think it's a stinky sty you've made, and you call me unfit!!
i'm wasted in your world, you haven't even left my bit...

my mind has become dead, and my thoughts too gore..
i get enough poison to drink, yet, just gimme more!!!

(okk now....i know this is pretty much like an alien's account...!!)


this one single tear
is a sign of fear

a fear deep inside
and i always lied;
nothing's wrong!!

reoccuring lyrics to my song of melancholy
the love that was...
is no longer here
all that is,
is this one single tear...
and i get so sad
its hard to act glad!!

remembering the love
watching the birds above
the clouds rolling by
i never needed to cry

now i lie
with this one single tear
filled all up with fear...

I CRY.....


we said the cruelest things
pain overflowed our eyes..
our words were like daggers,
despite their sweet disguise!!
we knew that we were wrong
that we should control...
but our tempers had no mercy
as we stabbed right to the soul...
and though time has healed the wounds,
the jagged scars remain...
reminders etched across our hearts...
remembrance of the pain.....

Saturday, October 11, 2008

dis one out here is to d eternal love of my life.....


your voice is like an aphrodisiac
i get intoxicated since the first word
i can't concentrate on my tasks
if its your voice i heard....

i dont wanna go where the angels fly...
i dont wanna go where the bad guys fry...
i just wanna stay where you are..
i just wanna immerse in you when i die!!

i can't find my dummy alive
its your music that breathes out in me
you're in my mind, my heart, my life
you're alive in every word i speak...

i dont wanna go where the angels fly
i dont wanna go where the bad guys fry
i just wanna stay where you are
i just know to live in you, in every moment passing by!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Shall I Wonder....??

Standing here in the doorway
Waiting for you to return
No word heard from you all this long
Or shall i wonder if i'm worth being spoken to??

Hoping against hopes
That you’ll realize I’m there
Behind the scenes, maybe
But yet, can I be unseen?
Or shall I wonder if I worth to be noticed??

Calling your name out in the dark
All I hear are the echoes of my pain
Do you even listen? Do you even care to??
Am I such a waste?
Or shall I wonder if I even worth your attention??

These labyrinths are so much to handle
Left abandoned, left behind, forgotten!!
You’ve strayed off and far, misguided
But please return before the door closes
Am I such a burden to bear?
Or shall I wonder if ever we really were friends!?!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


how long has it been
since i talked to a friend
and told them my heart's hidden secrets!?!
how long since i prayed, since i stayed...
on my knees, till light shone through!?!
how long has it been
since my mind felt at ease??
how long since my heart knew no burden?
can you call me your friend?
how long has it been since anybody knew
that i care for them??
how long has it been
since i knelt by my bed
and prayed to Lord, up above in heaven?
how long since i knew that He'll care for me
and would keep me the long night through!?!
how long has it been
since i woke with the dawn
and felt that this day is worth living?
can you call me your friend??
how long has it been since you knew
that i care for you!?!


i wish my eyes were shut

then i'd have no fears

go through life

with no hate or tears

or if i was numb

i'd feel no pain

never drowning in shadows

or soaking in shame...

maybe an angel

feeling good so much

then i wouldn't be scared

of love's sweet touch...

kissing me softly

with one deep breath

sweeping me into

eternity, with rest

i wish i wasn't

always so alone

everybody's something--

i just wanna go home!!

nobody to talk to

they're all cloned and fake

and then, there's me-

easy to hate!!

they think i stand on a pedestal

perfect picture in a frame

there's more to it..

underneath the mask, there's shame..

horrible things

said and done

but nobody would listen,

to them, its fun!!

i hold onto my anger

locked in a box

chains all around it

attached are locks!!

i wish there was a key

to let it all out

but instead it builds up..

exploding, without a doubt

sometimes i wanna scream

so long that life escapes

then i'd shut my eyes

i'd be the angel of disgrace!!

(dis is d closet truth abt me)

Monday, October 6, 2008

just a thought.....

seeing so many people wasted and wounded, i wonder to myself, what am i supposed to feel?? shall i feel happy that i'm safe -or- shall i feel sorry for not doing anything??
watching films like "swades" and "rang de basanti"...getting a drive for a week, max!! and then, we all return to our daily monotonous lives with an excuse, "we have our workloads"...
i know i'm sounding too hypocritical, but somehow, these things do not leave the corners of my mind..
that day i watched those agonising clips of the Orissa Anarchy, and a particular clip which was played again and again, still has its impact on me... the clip was of a small boy of around 6-7 years, trying to revoke his dead father. the boy kept screaming, "papa, please utho na!!" (papa, please get up).... i don't know what happened to me, but soon i was in tears, silently sobbing, and asking myself, "what did this poor boy do to have deserved this??"
but the answer was very simple... the boy did nothing...and he's only facing this agony because nobody does anything. we stupid, meak bunch of scapegoats are just too weak to be united. for every true voice raised, there are a thousand more to suppress it. we go on blaming the government, the systems, the world....and anything and everybody who seems even a little more authoritative than us. and its so funny to note that we have grown so accustomed to keep blaming someone or the other that we never really care that its ultimately we people at the grassroot!! now when the base is so damn useless...what can one say about the structure built on it!?!? NO COMMENTS!!!
this is the festive season going on....and people are scared to go to the crowded places_ fearing another stampede or a blast.... FOOLS!!!!
whosoever guaranteed that their homes are safe!!??!
and its so annoying that a mere percentage of these cockroaches called "terrorists" can scare the whole of mankind till the bones!! sometimes their efforts seem really commendable!! its sometimes really wonderful to see how they misuse even the most foolproof technologies!! and that communicating through porn movies!?! what a brain to have found such means!!!
but then again, why to create terror for?? to gain some power or authority? these minds are so sick that if the world authority is handed over to them, they'll grow tired of it within a day... coz these sick minds find it amusing to slaughter people.... sick men with a more sickening mentality... and the most frustrating thing is that they hide their monstruous activities behind the veil of the ever-disputed Religion....
what is this place we are living in??
i feel sometimes, that ending the whole of mankind with a nuclear attack is the best option we are left with coz now even the Gods can't alter these diseased human wastes that we've become.....

Sunday, October 5, 2008

end of my tolerance

d more i push hard
the more i'm pulled back
by condescending talks
and condemning attacks
those bitter acceptance
of denials and sins
blame it on the losses
coz they overshadow my wins
justification of my end
lies within my disappointments
wat i feel- wat i do
is cursed by poisonous assignments

i'm plagued, i'm enraged
by abnormality of delays
i'm happy dat i'm caged
coz slavery releases freedom in many ways!!

i'm gonna burn every piece of me,
and destroy myself to a rubble of ash
there ain't no way of being free
coz thought and action always clash

my lonely world is all mine
and i need to be always there
coz its better to quit than keep trying
wen tolerance is murdered
by pardonful, untrue care.....

Saturday, October 4, 2008

new found love...

ever since knowing you

i've felt a special feeling

ever since looking into your eyes

i've felt so much love

ever since holding your hand

i've felt truly cared for

the day i saw you on the street,

my body begged for yours

i saw someone, i automatically felt

i could give my heart to

never before i met you

did i feel quite this way

i never thought these words

i could honestly say

i love you as my friend

i love you in another way

i thank any God there is

i met you on that certain day....

Friday, October 3, 2008


nobody noticed the wounds i got
nobody noticed my dripping blood
nobody collected my limbs thrown to rot
nobody cared whether i was a bitch or a slut
nobody wiped the tears i shed
nobody accompanied my lonely nights

nobody heard a single word i said

all just pushed me from scaling heights

nobody nurtured this broken child

nobody noticed when i grew old

nobody caressed my pain- severe or mild

nobody pulled my heart out of cold...

all saw a whacky weirdo gone haywire

all mocked my failed tries

nobody, but, saw my flowing tears, tired

nobody saw the pain behind these smiling eyes...

behind these eyes i hide my pain

behind these eyes are my tears

behind these eyes i supress my vain

behind these eyes reside my fears

behind these eyes is the girl,

who's scared of being alone.

behind these eyes is a heart

whose feelings are burried forelorn...

behind these eyes is my outstreched hand

but nobody feels my price

behind these eyes is a kid...

but who cares whats behind my eyes!?!?