y do i love u?
i don't know!
i love u...
that's all i know!!
funny, its becoming...
do i have any love left in me?
i have given u my all
n u've chosen to be free...
left behind in this dark,
i can see more clearly
i am bleeding
the wounds have bore deeply
this time i thought, oh y?,
ur goina stay!
abandoned, when u were,
my last gleaming ray
beautiful ur sacrifices!
and now, here, what's my fault?
for no reason u called me fake!
is it over? i'm still on a hault!!
do i need my time?
or have i already decided?
u said u loved me too
was it so frail to have subsided?
nothing's appealing to me now
everything hurts coz its all fine
inside there's such a turmoil
the reasons, the lines... undefined!
what have u done?
i wont ask y?
ur reasons r urs only
but u didn't even say "Goodbye"!!
everything has reached limits
i've jumped off the las precipice!
the only love of my life
has become my extreme vice!!
would i have to scamper
and collect my pieces again?
shattered worse than a mirror
i can't even feel the pain...
no tears came this time
the loss is far too great
teach me a last lesson, plzz...
teach me how to hate!!
what did i do wrong?
even the question isn't strong
but i'm not questioning u...
i've been thinking loud for so long...
u must b right...
i can't even take a stand
it has been quite a blow
i'm unable to understand...
left my hand,
yes u can very well go
even if i beg, u won't stop
and someday, even i might forgo!!