Saturday, October 18, 2008

when i think about you.....(a teenage-love-fantasy!!)

if i only had two wishes,
one of them would be
to live my life with you--
just the two of us for eternity...
i'd share my secrets with you
you'd always be the one i'd need..
you'd be my life and companion so true!!

when i go-off to sleep
and when i wake-up each day
i yearn to be with you
its impossible to stay away...

i'd love being able to grow old
as long as we are together
i'd see through the wrinkles even
honey, i'd love you forever...
our lives would race by us
its always the good times that go-by so fast
we'd have so much to look back on
when our lives would have finally passed.

and this brings me to my second wish
the one that would ward-off my every strife..
to not only live-in my dreams with you
and be so happy all along my life..
but to be able, at the end of my life,
make you feel the feelings you see in me,
to be able to die in your arms...
and have you hold me eternally!!!

(ahem!! didn't know from where did it come to me!!)

Living In A Nightmare!!!!!

i dozed-off in sweet-dreams
just to be shaken by reality
i felt protected in my rugs
before being shuddered by adversity..
it started with a bliss
with a peaceful mileu around
then it became all red
people all dead on ground!!
the redness of blood...
the stink of decaying rout...
i couldn't find my voice,
i couldn't even shout...
the face of death..
oh! it was so dignified!!
took so much alongwith
and left the survivors horrified!!
i woke up shivering
avoiding the clock's stare...
time is mocking upon us,
fleeting by & leaving us with this nightmare!!
we've covered the reddened grounds
with buildings of metal & steel
we have become armoured clowns--
people who can no longer feel!!
we have covered the truth
but cannot reduce it to a lie
and it shows its brutal face time 'n' again--
when many are forced to die
we live on countless innocents
who were slayed & shot dead
we walk everyday upon victims
of some savage, criminal head..
who's to play the hero,
when everything's unfair??
who'll save us countless, coward mortals...
living in a nightmare!?!?