secrets, secrets!
lies, lies!
she sits in her room,
and cries and cries!!
there's no more trust
in this girl's heart...
she found out--
that life isn't perfect!
she lived in her dreams
as people often do.
but she crawled out
into a world everyone knew..
things that once were,
happiness once known
the truth of it all,
to her was shown!!
her shattered heart
would never trust again..
she'll never know
a real true love again!!
no more trust
for no more lies...
she sits in her room,
away she dies.......!!
i hope dats not for me....!!!
but d gender differs...phew!! my ass seems to be safe!!
good poetic mind i thought u alwayz think of making sum troubles hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
m wrong
very good poem mind blowing
again..."pain sells"!!
thanx anyways!!
A mundane one....
yep...mundane poems fr mundane teenagers!!
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