Wednesday, October 15, 2008

the language of your dance....(a friend wrote dat for me!)

in blinding lights,
what is this dance you do?
your movements move me..
your locks flow...
your legs continue to move with such grace..
your arms and hands show every emotion
you've been scared,
your heart been broken
your eyes show so much passion!!

what is this dance you do!?!?
its an unknown language...

as your hair slashes your face,
your footwork kept the beat
such grace, so poised
your eyes show so much pain...
when you twirled, it was as if
a fountain of tears swirled around you...
your motion and motivation tears my heart

this unknown language of sadness, yet passion
is finally understood....

The Language Of Dance
its what you speak...
and only i understood
its what only i can understand!!

(i must say dat i'm whole heartedly flattered!!)


red grass, grey skies.
sick people, sad goodbyes.
dark days, empty nights.
dying people, violent fights.
frightened kids, scared moms.
divorced parents, lost bonds.
starving children, bloodthirsty thugs.
innocent victims, kids with drugs.
devil worshippers, constant crime.
shot of a gun, nothing's fine.

careless adults, confused youth.
countless faults, child abuse.
selling drugs, peer pressure.
spreading AIDS, prostitute pleasure.
daily abductions, victims of rape.
so much pain, few ever escape.

turning to suicide, ending the life.
psycho pathkillers, blade of a knife.
agony of loss, a broken heart.
painful love, being ripped apart.
homeless people, the joy of hurting.
a love's child, so many uncertain.
pregnant teens, unstoppable STDs.
ashamed heritage, so many wannabes.
sibling hatered, dangerous obssessions.
optionated critics, devastating suggestions.

killing family, betraying friends.
as lust begins, honesty ends...
hopeless tomorrow, doubtful future.
destroying the mind, sickening humour.
neverending illness, too much disease.

can it stop ever? someone tell me please!!

animal-like torture, alone a new-born cry.
abandoned infants, left to die.
sleeping around, simply for lust.
decietful fellows, losing all trust.
breaking the laws, getting away.
courtroom injustice, its the victims who pay!!

who's wrong? who's right?
criminals admired, have we lost sight!?!

broken families, few who pray.
the ugliest outlook coming-off each day
forgotten morals, money-hungry fools.
disgraceful greed, all befriend to use!!

so many questions, such few answers
waiting to know, but all happens much faster
when did it happen? how did it start?
who's to blame for letting our world fall apart!?!?


how i searched far and wide
by the beach, watching the tide
everyone watched how i cried
inside.... my soul died!!

wondering why things always fall apart
how i long for a fresh new start
for the pain has made its mark
and my heart is in so dark..
tears fall from my eyes
from hearing everyone's lies
inside, my heart dies!!

i look at you
wondering what i'll do!?!
my wants are, but, few
still, you haven't got a clue
you leave no words at all
a dumb silence for my call
and i grasp at blindness in dark...

the feelings are still there
even after knowing no-one cares
all everyone does is stare

i give the last sigh of grief
for then i know its all over...
the memories fade to a shadow
for then i realise.....