Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Look at her,
her face drips blood,
pouring tears of acid rain.

Heartache all among the ruins,
lost in a world of confusion,
minds all crazed and broken parted,
faces grey and rotting corpses.

Sitting lost among the living,
watching, waiting, needing something.

Fire from hell itself,
never ending to be out.
Fear gripped faces of the future,
longing to feel the warmth,

Look around the world of living,
wonder why there's nothing there.
People round the world are calling,
walking into danger's core.

Laughter gone and submersed,
screams anger from inside,
seize the darkness,
come down under.

Watch the moments grow stronger,
looking down i see your pain,
anger deep in core of man,
it wishes to be free to wander,
longing for something to hold.

Watch the clock as it ticks by,
death is coming in with every breath,
wait a minute, stop the yelling,
voices start to fade and wander,
calling out as they go by.

People wishing, people dreaming,
saying prayers no one hears.
looking up they see the light,
going down the pain grows stronger.
For one moment it seems right,
for one second they can't wait.
Screaming as they go down under,
pain is coming, they can feel.

Watching, waiting and wondering,
looking for something to grasp.
Asking when will it be over,
getting nothing in return.