Wednesday, October 22, 2008

i could have....(the final parting words for someone who was once the dearest!)

when the winter gave way to spring,
but the dew still settled on flowers,
i liked you back then, when you loved me
i could have given my heart to you in June showers!!

i remember your eyes when you proposed..
they were wet with emotions, they were true
i remember how i liked you when you sang songs to me..
i could have stayed in your arms, and drowned in you!!

how i sometimes miss those stupid little jokes we cracked
and that insane code-language which only we could understand..
i remember those nights we spent chatting away..
i could have chosen you to hold my hand!!

so vividly i do remember the kiss we stole,
when you sneaked on my rooftop on New Year's eve
i still remember the thrill of your seduction..
i could have surrendered to your touch so deep!!

now when i look back, i no longer feel the pain
instead, now i cherish what we used to be!
that was the first time i felt so close to someone..
someone who just knew how to steal myself away from me!!

i could have let you to touch my core..
i could have been yours, alone..
i could have never left you..
i could have Loved You......
but i just couldn't!!!


Look at her,
her face drips blood,
pouring tears of acid rain.

Heartache all among the ruins,
lost in a world of confusion,
minds all crazed and broken parted,
faces grey and rotting corpses.

Sitting lost among the living,
watching, waiting, needing something.

Fire from hell itself,
never ending to be out.
Fear gripped faces of the future,
longing to feel the warmth,

Look around the world of living,
wonder why there's nothing there.
People round the world are calling,
walking into danger's core.

Laughter gone and submersed,
screams anger from inside,
seize the darkness,
come down under.

Watch the moments grow stronger,
looking down i see your pain,
anger deep in core of man,
it wishes to be free to wander,
longing for something to hold.

Watch the clock as it ticks by,
death is coming in with every breath,
wait a minute, stop the yelling,
voices start to fade and wander,
calling out as they go by.

People wishing, people dreaming,
saying prayers no one hears.
looking up they see the light,
going down the pain grows stronger.
For one moment it seems right,
for one second they can't wait.
Screaming as they go down under,
pain is coming, they can feel.

Watching, waiting and wondering,
looking for something to grasp.
Asking when will it be over,
getting nothing in return.


In the abyss of time
you've been played like a toy
the rhythm of the pendulum
will rip you a void
mind,structure,and spirit
you begin to lose control
love will forfeit you
to a place that's damp and cold
empty and alone
hiding in the dark
you've suffered this before
with a decaying heart
fastened in your thoughts
imprisoned behind bars
crimson gore will trickle
down those pale-dead arms
nightmares of the past
entities you've lost
happiness and joy
frozen, unable to defrost
eyelids linger shut
betrayal of light
because of the massacres
you surrender to the night


Let me out
Set me free

I need to be set free
I'm burning up inside from crying about nothing.
Let me out,Let me out!!

Let me fly
Let my wings expand
Let my feathers fly away into the sunset
Let me free out of this cage, it is too small.
Take me away
Take me away from this place
Take me away from him
Take me home with you I need out of this place
It is to complicated and scary.

Leave me alone
Just let me free for a day or two
I need time to figure out who are my friends and who aren't.
Just let me out, set me free, let me fly

I'm a bird that needs to migrate south,

So let me free, let me go
I'll be back at summer.
I promise I will be back in time

For hot summer days
To go jump the ice cold pool.

I'm a polar bear just let me sleep my anger off during the winter.
I promise I will be back

For those hot ball games with sunflower seeds.

I promise I will love you,
Just give me some time,
Give me some space to think.