Friday, October 17, 2008


what is that we conquer
when we fall in love??
endless pain!
tearful eyes!
sleeplessness, or
monsoon nights!!

sudden shudder of chilly winds!
or unexpected flashbacks of someone...
who's not with you anymore.....

a hollow heart, or fazed mind
or regret over unsaid feelings...
a sorrowful life!!
feeling of being not alive,
nor dead....

love, at the end,
is a mesmerised,
an unfortunate tale!!!


somewhere, the sun rises
and in my mind, i see you beside me
somewhere, i cradle the phone
your voice still lingers in my ears
can you still hear me? do you still see?
you're all that i have, and will always be!

somewhere the rain starts to fall
and in my heart, i hold you close to me
somewhere i reach out my hand
wanting your fingers entwined with mine...
can you still feel me? do you still see?
you're all that i want, and will ever need!

somewhere the birds begin to sing
and in my soul, i ache to have you near me
somewhere i breathe out a soft, lonely sigh
your whispers echo in my mind...
can you still touch me? do you still see?
you're all i dream about, and forever you'll be!

somewhere the clouds drift slowly by
and in my ears, i hear you laugh
somewhere i look shyly at the ground
your eyes meet with mine
can you still need me? do you still see?
you're all i care about, and it'll always be!

somewhere across thousands of miles
my eyes look to the stars and i smile...
and in an instant, i realise.....