Wednesday, October 22, 2008

i could have....(the final parting words for someone who was once the dearest!)

when the winter gave way to spring,
but the dew still settled on flowers,
i liked you back then, when you loved me
i could have given my heart to you in June showers!!

i remember your eyes when you proposed..
they were wet with emotions, they were true
i remember how i liked you when you sang songs to me..
i could have stayed in your arms, and drowned in you!!

how i sometimes miss those stupid little jokes we cracked
and that insane code-language which only we could understand..
i remember those nights we spent chatting away..
i could have chosen you to hold my hand!!

so vividly i do remember the kiss we stole,
when you sneaked on my rooftop on New Year's eve
i still remember the thrill of your seduction..
i could have surrendered to your touch so deep!!

now when i look back, i no longer feel the pain
instead, now i cherish what we used to be!
that was the first time i felt so close to someone..
someone who just knew how to steal myself away from me!!

i could have let you to touch my core..
i could have been yours, alone..
i could have never left you..
i could have Loved You......
but i just couldn't!!!

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