Tuesday, October 7, 2008


i wish my eyes were shut

then i'd have no fears

go through life

with no hate or tears

or if i was numb

i'd feel no pain

never drowning in shadows

or soaking in shame...

maybe an angel

feeling good so much

then i wouldn't be scared

of love's sweet touch...

kissing me softly

with one deep breath

sweeping me into

eternity, with rest

i wish i wasn't

always so alone

everybody's something--

i just wanna go home!!

nobody to talk to

they're all cloned and fake

and then, there's me-

easy to hate!!

they think i stand on a pedestal

perfect picture in a frame

there's more to it..

underneath the mask, there's shame..

horrible things

said and done

but nobody would listen,

to them, its fun!!

i hold onto my anger

locked in a box

chains all around it

attached are locks!!

i wish there was a key

to let it all out

but instead it builds up..

exploding, without a doubt

sometimes i wanna scream

so long that life escapes

then i'd shut my eyes

i'd be the angel of disgrace!!

(dis is d closet truth abt me)

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