Monday, April 27, 2009

If you'd be macroni,
I'd be your cheese.
I'd be a piece of furniture
in your life, if you please!!
I'd be the door
if you wanna stay closed.
I'd be your ground
if you wanna rub nose!
I'd be the chime
if it makes you good
I'd be the fog
settling 'round your hood!

if you want that I shall go,
I'd be the time!
if you wanna get drunk,
I'd be the wine!
if the lights go off,
I'd be your candle.
if you wanna get fame,
I'd be your scandle!!

just anytime
if you want me,
then I'd be....

Friday, April 24, 2009


The orange band
underlines the dark sky.
the light sweeps over the stars.
there's still one shining bright in the west.
the birds have just started
to chirp their early greetings.
the cold air is preparing
to give way to hot gusts.

the early risers are out
for their morning walks.
in the lap of nature,
I walk too!
the trees fresh from sleep
are letting the birds free
from their protected nests.
the spread green carpet
of the harvests till far
welcomes the orange ball.

a solitary bird flies
across the beautiful orange
like the shadow of night's remembrance.
by the time I return
a hot yellow grabola of fire
makes beads of perspiration trickle.
just when the world is going to work,
I close my room and turn on the cooling.
its time to work,
but I burnt the midnight oil.
its a beautiful morning...
but, Goodnight!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

You See Not Me....

yea, we'd sure look good
sitting by the fireplace...
but in our seperate houses!!

it might work out
whatever you want...
but, chuck the idea of being like spouses!

you're no Greek-God
I'm no honey-tanned either...
but together we're too cute for two ugly people!!

you're a lame horse, me a busy bee!
opposites shall we!!
but I want something like moss on a steeple!

sure I said our lives are decreed.
People don't chance upon, they meet!
but I love bending the rules for now.

take offence! and if you wanna flee...
baby, don't minus a jinx from my sleeve!
but, I do want you to go anyhow!

because what you see,
you see not me!
what you wanna see,
its simply not me!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hieros Gamos

its a Greek ritual which means a sacred marriage. its done somewhere around the equinox, mid-March, in spring. it dates back more than 2000 years. Egyptian priests and priestesses performed it regularly to celebrate the reproductive power of the female. the women wear white gossamer gowns and golden shoes. they hold golden orbs. the men wear black tunics and black shoes. both men and women wear androgynous masks.

Heiros Gamos looks like a sex-ritual but has nothing to do with eroticism. It is a spiritual act. historically, intercourse was the act through which male and female experienced God. the ancients believed that the male was spiritually incomplete until he had carnal knowledge of the sacred feminine. physical union with the female remained the sole means through which man could become spiritually complete and ultimately achieve Gnosis- knowledge of the Divine. since the days of Isis, sex rites had been man's only bridge from earth to heaven. by communing with woman, man could achieve a climatic instant when mind was totally blank and he could see God.

Physiologically speaking, the male climax is accompanied by a split-second entirely devoid of thought. a brief mental vacuum. a moment of clarity during which God could be glimpsed. Meditation gurus achieved similar states of thoughtlessness without sex and described Nirvana as a never-ending spiritual orgasm.

Sex begot new life-the ultimate miracle- and miracles could be performed only by a God. the ability of women to produce life from her womb made her sacred. a God. intercourse was the revered union of the two halves of the human spirit- Male and Female- through which male could find spiritual wholeness and communion with God.

The Hiero Gamos isn't a perversion. its a deeply sacrosanct ceremony.

Early Jews believed that the Holy of Hollies in Solomon's temple housed not only God, but also His powerful female equal, Shekinah. Men seeking spiritual wholeness came to the temple to visit priestesses- or hierodules- with whome they made love and experienced the Divine through physical union.

The Jewish tetragrammaton YHWH- the sacred name of God, in fact, is derived from Jehovah, an androgynous physical union b/w masculine Jah and the pre-Hebraic name for Eve, Havah.

Our ancient heritage (e.g., Khajuraho, Konark) and our vey physiologies tell us sex is a natural- a cherished- route to spiritual fulfillment. And yet, modern religions decies it as shameful, teaching us to fear our Sexual Desires as the hand of Evil....

Monday, April 13, 2009

Don't Speak

Don't speak.
those words I've heard.
Don't speak.
be a submissive nerd!
Don't speak.
I know you want me.
Don't speak...
I won't leave you to be.

it rains inside.
the emotions of some kind.
one glance at you...
the hung tenterhooks...
I'm not blind!
sweet commotions.
like rustled autumn leaves.
it seems so right.
a flip of heart...
two paroling thieves!

so, Don't speak.
baby, you don't need to!
don't speak...
your eyes sniff the flu.
don't speak.
there's a beautiful silence.
don't speak.
I love your incense.

are the nights lonely?
I love to let them be!
it agitates you, though.
whatever you say,
I can make you want me!!
this distance
is the aphrodisiac!
a sweet masochism
spreading through the limbs,
you shimmer like lilliac!!

do you wanna speak?
and break
this sardonic quiet?
do we need words?
don't speak!
its a virtual duet!!
baby, your touch speaks.
my skin lends an ear.
the pulses are enough.
don't speak
while we're so near!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Friends Forever

{modified song by Vitamin C. for all my playas}

and so we talked everyday
about the rest of our lives.
where we're gonna be
when we turn 25?!
I keep thinking
times will never change
keep on thinking
things will always be the same.
but when we leave the next year,
we won't be coming back.
no more hanging out
because we'd all be on different tracks.
and if you've got something
that you need to say,
you better say it right now.
don't wait for another day!
because we're all moving on
and we can't slow down.
these memories are playing
like a film without a sound.
and I keep thinking
of that time in October
when we all met each other
and slowly got together...
and then there was me and you
and then we got real blue!
go to home, talking on the phone
we'd get so excited.
and we'd get so scared!!
laughing at ourselves
thinking life's not fair.
and this is how it feels-
as we go on
we'd remember all the times
we had together.
and as our lives change,
come whatever...
in our hearts, we'll still be
Friends Forever!!

so if we get the big jobs
and we make the big money,
when we'd look back on now,
would our jokes still be funny!?
would we still remember
everything we learnt in school?
still be trying
to break every single rule!?
would our brainy Dipi
materialize her every plan!?
can Eti find a job
that won't interfere with her tan!?
would Tanu be a lawyer
or somewhere as a stockbroker!?
would Sneh be an executive
or be the same "manhandled" joker!?
would Neha choose a job
or would she elope with Adi!?
and would I be upto doing something else
than the usual "barbaadi"!?

I keep, I keep thinking that its not "Goodbye"!
keep on thinking its a time to fly!!

will we think abot tomorrow
like we think about now?
can we survive it out there?
can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought
that this would never end.
and suddenly its like
we're all grown-up women!!
will the past be a shadow
that will follow us around?
or would these memories fade
as we'd leave this town?

I keep, I keep thinking that its not "Goodbye"!
keep on thinking its a time to fly...


Living a lie.

Lying to live.

Losing your substance when found out.

What now, now that there are no more places to hide

He looked up at the dying embers of the pyre that was once his life.
He closed his eyes and tried to remember what it had been like being him
But it wouldn’t come, wouldn’t find substance in his memory,
Leaving him to guess what it must have been like.

He looked around for the mourners and found none.
Perhaps they had already made their peace with his memory
And had moved on to their homes, tranquil in their grief,
Blessed by the power of their Faith.

Or, perhaps they had loved him so
That they were celebrating together
In a place close at hand,
Toasting him with laughter and good cheer.

Or, perhaps there were no mourners at all.
[He was adrift in the waters of uncertainty and loneliness
Unable to rediscover who he was through the memories of others
And unsure where to turn for renewal and strength.]

A light shines in the distance. The man looks up.
In spite of himself, he moves toward it,
Hope blossoming in singularity of purpose
Like the Night Blooming Cereus.

The pearl white onion turns on its axis,
Gleaming in the phosphorescent glow of
The motes of reality streaming around it.

Little by little the layers slough off.
Little by little the mystery of the Thing
Shines through the translucent layers

Until nothing is left but the Core,
The naked seed that was there before the
Thing had shape, before its veined layers

Emitted such noxious fumes that
Tears sprang from those who dared to
Look beneath the layers of the bleached orb.

He walks toward the Light
Searching for warmth to comfort
His naked soul.

The layers are gone now
Forgotten for the moment,

His raw soul aching for comfort.

The Light beckons him forward.
He stands there, attempting to
Cover his nakedness.

“Why do you hide?”
“I am ashamed.”
The tears come of their own accord.

I need You.”

He sat there bare as the day he was borne from his
Mother’s safe compartmentalized basket of denial,
Into the world of real image and make-believe belief.

Exposed as he was, he did not move to cover himself;
He preferred his nakedness to the counterfeit comfort
Of the proffered silk robes that promised only soulless death.

Now he stands, stretching in the warmth of the midday sun.
Turning toward the light, he is dazzled by the power of the
Glowing disc and cries out, releasing the joy at the freedom he feels.

“Let freedom sing,”
He calls in the glowing light,
“Let freedom sing,
For God has given me
Back my soul and burned away
My cloak of despair;
Let freedom sing!”

He turns East and sees there mists of memory and truth;
Lessons learned, friendships cherished,
Tears shed, laughter happily remembered.

He turns West and knows there clarity of purpose;
Lessons to be shared, friendships to be nurtured,
Tears and laughter yet to become memories.

His step forward is sure and proud.

(this was kinda inspired by the last rites of my friend's dad)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Madonna Of The Rocks

desired theme- Virgin Mary, baby John-the baptist, Uriel and baby Jesus sheltering in a cave.

Leonardo filled the painting with explosive and disturbing details...
The painting showed a blue-robed Virgin Mary sitting with her arm around an infant, presumably baby Jesus. Opposite Mary sat Uriel, also with an infant, presumably baby John the Baptist. Oddly though, rather than the usual Jesus-blessing-John scenario, it was baby John who was blessing Jesus... and Jesus was submitting to his authority.
More troubling, still, Mary was holding one hand high above the head of the infant John and making a decidedly threatening gesture- her fingers looking like eagle's talons, gripping an invisible head.
Finally, the most obvious and frightening image: Just below Mary's curled fingers, Uriel was making a cutting gesture with his hand- as if slicing the neck of the invisible head gripped by Mary's clawlike hand...

what this was all about, the secret got burried with da Vinci... but he was an outright rebel against Christianity... He didn't intend to malign what the Christian leaders put forward... He only tried to put forward what they inteded (and succeded) to hide...

Towards Palm-Mystery

I've been practicing Palmistry since I was in class XI. my nanu has been my source of inspiration, my guru, my mentor and also my biggest (constructive) critique. so far, I have read lots and lots of palms of the most varied types. my clientel (oh! I hate the term, though.) is vast, varied and doesn't fit-in my memory even! probably because I don't charge. so, why am I writing this? this is not supposed to be a "Guide to Palmistry"...not even some journal on my experiences... this is a simple write-up, with words found hard, in an attempt to subdue some of unacceptable outlooks and bias about this science, which is considered no science at all.

This is the millennium of Pisces, which means the millennium of revelations. This is the Decade of Science...the Science which has proven the impact of the number of hair strands, the impact of hte lines beneath the feet, the impact of change in the places of constellations on nature and weather conditions...and also, the impact of phases of moon on human mentality. And in this age of of logical reasoning and going behind the pre-established barriers, people like me-who take interest in occult- see this most vast science getting lost in translation. Do you think that whatever the Nature has endowed us with has no impact upon us all- the Universal Recipients!?

Coming to Palmistry... these lines on everybody's hands tell tales. And accept it or not, the fact is that we all are fascinated by occult- reasons may differ. else, why do you turn to your daily Astrological Predictions' page, even if you crib about them all a minute later? and hell, don't tell me you do not believe in Karmas and Destiny... And God!!
Your hand is a map of your life. Personally, I don't tell all, nor do I believe in knowing the happenings of my life beforehand. Universe is an Esoteric Mystery and I believe in being an unhindering part of it all. Human Will is yet another unexplicable phenomenon. this factor can change things in your favour if they are against. This is what Palmistry says. Its the Anatomy of your life, and just like even after knowing whats good and bad for your body, you're free to do whatever with your body...similarly, you might believe what a Palmist tells you and continue treating your life the way you want.

Now, if you think you shall have written proofs in your hands to believe in this Science... then you're demanding it from the lesser mortals who haven't even been able to decipher their own brain!!

Somethings are beyond our understanding and logic. But this never does imply that they do not exist...the Bermuda Triangle stands testimony to it.

I am not asking you to believe all this..or even take the pains to lend an ear. but just as I am not questioning or ridiculing your stands, I expect that mine, or anybody's, beliefs in Occult are not ridiculed, even if Questioned....

Thursday, April 2, 2009

People play Games...Love isn't one

if I knew it would end like this,
I'd have never talked to you.
I'd never give you hope.
never let myself surrender to you.
or was it even true?
I was just so used to being with you!
I didn't know I could manage on my own.
Or... can I?

my eyes are open,
but the pain is near.
in my broken heart,
I do not know if it was you
who broke my heart
or did I break yours?
it all ended so sadly.
with hatred, with betrayal.
its easier when there's a reason
why people break up.
but there is not.
the blame is whose?

and you have to blame
someone for your miserable mind.
love left behind my shattered heart.
alone to survive in this cold world
alone to believe I could love again.
that I would feel joy.

but...Love doesn't hurt people,
or make them feel sad,
or trick them.
People hurt people.
with intention or with accident.
but everyone is the master of their own life,
if they dare.
if they don't, they keep blaming love for their hurt...
Like people have done for ages...
Like I'd been doing till now!!

not yet the long sleep

glittering dark,
dancing before my eyes...
closed everything I see,
in roaring silence I hear...
falling of a feather,
a hush!!
my lover's touch..
bitter, life's bile.
sweet, love's taste.
shadows of tomorrow
darken the path of yesterday.
what was,
will never be what is.
Stands before my eyes, open...