Thursday, April 2, 2009

People play Games...Love isn't one

if I knew it would end like this,
I'd have never talked to you.
I'd never give you hope.
never let myself surrender to you.
or was it even true?
I was just so used to being with you!
I didn't know I could manage on my own.
Or... can I?

my eyes are open,
but the pain is near.
in my broken heart,
I do not know if it was you
who broke my heart
or did I break yours?
it all ended so sadly.
with hatred, with betrayal.
its easier when there's a reason
why people break up.
but there is not.
the blame is whose?

and you have to blame
someone for your miserable mind.
love left behind my shattered heart.
alone to survive in this cold world
alone to believe I could love again.
that I would feel joy.

but...Love doesn't hurt people,
or make them feel sad,
or trick them.
People hurt people.
with intention or with accident.
but everyone is the master of their own life,
if they dare.
if they don't, they keep blaming love for their hurt...
Like people have done for ages...
Like I'd been doing till now!!


Shadow said...

As this phenomenon has become quite usual that sometimes ur poems really stirrrrr from withinas if there aint or cud b ny further second opinion.Yes u r rite silence is scary n frightening coz it speaks truth in dat void. But knw wat!!Things can scare as long as u r not USED to'em.Same is d case with attachment which most of d times at a given age comes in disguise of love.N quite obvious that a person is shattered with noise around as louder as the burst of a nuclear bomb dat cud bring dis world to debris when that attraction can no longer persevere to portray Love.

sindu said...

hey, thats really nice.. i mean. u strt with a question.. n u come up with the answer for it...

MAHI said...

thnx Osho!!!
n thnx sweet sweet Sindu!!!