Saturday, April 11, 2009

Towards Palm-Mystery

I've been practicing Palmistry since I was in class XI. my nanu has been my source of inspiration, my guru, my mentor and also my biggest (constructive) critique. so far, I have read lots and lots of palms of the most varied types. my clientel (oh! I hate the term, though.) is vast, varied and doesn't fit-in my memory even! probably because I don't charge. so, why am I writing this? this is not supposed to be a "Guide to Palmistry"...not even some journal on my experiences... this is a simple write-up, with words found hard, in an attempt to subdue some of unacceptable outlooks and bias about this science, which is considered no science at all.

This is the millennium of Pisces, which means the millennium of revelations. This is the Decade of Science...the Science which has proven the impact of the number of hair strands, the impact of hte lines beneath the feet, the impact of change in the places of constellations on nature and weather conditions...and also, the impact of phases of moon on human mentality. And in this age of of logical reasoning and going behind the pre-established barriers, people like me-who take interest in occult- see this most vast science getting lost in translation. Do you think that whatever the Nature has endowed us with has no impact upon us all- the Universal Recipients!?

Coming to Palmistry... these lines on everybody's hands tell tales. And accept it or not, the fact is that we all are fascinated by occult- reasons may differ. else, why do you turn to your daily Astrological Predictions' page, even if you crib about them all a minute later? and hell, don't tell me you do not believe in Karmas and Destiny... And God!!
Your hand is a map of your life. Personally, I don't tell all, nor do I believe in knowing the happenings of my life beforehand. Universe is an Esoteric Mystery and I believe in being an unhindering part of it all. Human Will is yet another unexplicable phenomenon. this factor can change things in your favour if they are against. This is what Palmistry says. Its the Anatomy of your life, and just like even after knowing whats good and bad for your body, you're free to do whatever with your body...similarly, you might believe what a Palmist tells you and continue treating your life the way you want.

Now, if you think you shall have written proofs in your hands to believe in this Science... then you're demanding it from the lesser mortals who haven't even been able to decipher their own brain!!

Somethings are beyond our understanding and logic. But this never does imply that they do not exist...the Bermuda Triangle stands testimony to it.

I am not asking you to believe all this..or even take the pains to lend an ear. but just as I am not questioning or ridiculing your stands, I expect that mine, or anybody's, beliefs in Occult are not ridiculed, even if Questioned....

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