Saturday, January 3, 2009


i read a poem way back in my school magazine, and in it, was one very obvious thing, that "new year", is actually just another year with 365/366 days to drag by. the only thing that ACTUALLY changes is....well, the C@LeNdeR!!!!

the calamities still keep striking and expose us to our inability to maintain a balance b/w nature and us "human beings".

the terrorists still keep working on their plans on how to terrorise people! i sometimes wonder, how would their new year resolutions read as? "this year, i plan to master all the guns".,"this year, i have to go to atleast one of the missions.","this year i have to kill atleast a hundred innocents"....and so on....

but none of these terrorists would resolve, "this year i plan to read an authentic version of the Qu'ran myself and see the actual meaning or the history behind Jehad." -or- "this year, i have to make my fellows truly respect Islam and tell them that even Islam aims at harmony and peace!"

...and so foolish of me to even think that those herds of sheep led by fanatics still have a responsible and sane soul left amongst them!!
even this "new year" our corrupt politicians would keep taking bribes and would go on fighting amongst themselves...the country can always go to hell!!!

even we, the "youth" would keep yelling things we know nothing about and certainly dont mean...blocking roads and even end up in mob-violence-- one chance to actually prove that we are no better than the primitives!!!

So, what's new this "New Year"??

maybe you'd wanna, please be my guest!!


Shadow said...

" Wow n Wonder " are d words dat r in ma mind 4 ur blog. b careful wid dese words for u may b hypnotised n in camouflage wud amputate ur creativity.On d other hand doesn't mean either dat u shudn't pat ur back n sail in d breeze of happiness.

MAHI said...

thnx a ton!!

humanobserver said...

A nice one...I wish you a happy and prosperous new year...

MAHI said...

same to u....