Wednesday, January 28, 2009

what they say!?!?

Glories, i reckon, come dowsed in blood
over-the-top ambitions fucking a lively nut
slithering, crawling, fading away...
Glories, i reckon, the works of a hard day!!
Ambition, i think, is just another word
for the daddies of a strictness absurd
growing cold day by day, for always.
Ambitions, a cover-up for a brutal face!
Hardwork, i guess, is an understatement!
for the decaying life in the brackets of stalement!
like stalgamites, sharp and killing deep
Hardwork, just a mock on those who're weak!
Dedication, a word to remember, i say!
sweet-tongued slavery, to give a way...
to subdue the spirit and the elation
a word to overwhelm...Dedication!!
Fun!?! what a downtrodden being one must be!
wasting time on sportsmanship and a skinned knee!
how could one enjoy? the work's still undone.
and it won't ever be complete till you're living under the sun!!
why are these the words every child is told?
why, before their childhood, they're asked to grow old?
why is this the massacre these elders commit?
feeding such pulp to kids and not even letting them vomit!
marks, competitions, jobs, the institutions,
all blunders! an irrepairable nuisance!
ruining capabilities and talents, producing muggers
where does this lead? the thought gives shudders!!
it IS necessary, very necessary, i know!
but let kids create, let them mess, let them grow!!
today, the curriculum doesnt encourage them in any way!
but it WILL go a show, as they say!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

letters to you....

every night when can't doze off..
i write a letter to you!
they're not the letters of a lovlorn lass
infact, its all i wanna tell you!!
they won't say, "i miss you"!!
coz by now, you should get used to it!
i just write the things i can only write
insane they are... my letters to you!!

i've conjoured this fragile heart of mine,
drained it dry on every page!
maybe i shall post them sometime
then even you'd know why i just write
though there'd be no Shakespearean beauty,
in them are some words, words that seem snooty!
yet those words are somewhat true
that's why they're there in my letters to you!!

OK, this whole thing seems to be isn't!
just some words, rather thoughts i can't resist!!
they started soon after we kissed for the first time
maybe they'd continue even if i'm not your prime!!
i laugh at them when i re-read!!
stupid letters form an inevitable creed!!
maybe the one to read them all, is You...
but i've got no guts to post my letters to you!!

you'd laugh at them if you'd read
they seem to spring up from my greed!
lengthy sometimes, sometimes just a few lines
but their underline is that... i pine!!
embarrassed even right now i am, you see?
just at the thought of you reading those letters from me!
you know? it just struck me, outta the blues...
even this stupid rhyming is like a letter to you!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


those cold, lonely, long nights....
waking up, shivering in fright
open ends stretched beyond sight
transmittable.... nothing's all right!!

savouring the taste of ill-will
creed savaged by beggotry, going downhill
bluffing thrills the hell outta sanity, still
transmittable.... and, it'll kill!!

lights blown out by winds of deciet
hopelessness floats, disguised as greed
over the top, yet such an underdog in fleet
transmittable... how one sells his soul without a reciept!!

transmittable... all those junk emotions
transmittable... coz maybe they're never true
transmittable... the only melancholic paranoia
transmittable... always... form me to you!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

flicker of a moment


strange how things become
strange how we become strangers to ourselves
the grief hits back with a vengeance
the journey on the Crossroads continue, there ain't no help
that one deadly game of life again stretched too far...
and its funny that i thought it would hamper me no more....
the dejection and despair of unsaid emotions and traumas....
yes, i recognise this all....this all has happened before!!

cringing from inside, these cramps of pain don't leave me alone
the venemous fangs of dillemas over what am i upto, don't go
that one genuine bliss costs me too much now, but even dat seems to be lost
coz he won't believe even if i've loved him more than anyone, he thinks i'll forgo!
what a wastage i'd always been! i prided in convincing even the stones,
and here i cannot convince for the genuinity of what i've so closely held
why? coz his past still haunts him, clings hard
and here, lost amidst the brutalities of insignificance, there's probably nothing he ever felt...

but here he returns again with his haunting face from my past, and his words that hurt me now
so writhered, i cannot confront my past, i gotta find an escape somehow
he smiles and it destroys every ounce of immune i'd conjoured
did i do such brutalities to him? was i such a tyrant? why does he leave me forlorn?
that one tie to my past doesnt cut loose, doesn't unfast
why? why? why does he raise his head from burried memories time n time again?
go away.... i hate ur this a request or just frail words?
but even the one i want badly isn't here to hold me,
when i wanna run into his arms and hide from my pain.

that truth gone sour...and here even she leaves my hand...
my refuge, my balm, my mother...even she's lost behind confiscating harms!
deformed, distasteful, hurting, full of disgust...and there's no way anyone can convince me otherwise...
turbulent, full of wrath, and demeaning....the oceans of my guilt are no more calm...

there's no left, no right...the Crossroads come to an abrupt end right here
there's nowhere i can go, there's no way i can turn back
all pathways, all sidelines lead me to a graveyard...
that open grave has its own lure but even that seems to be lost in black....
this closing darkness around me, hurts me so deep
there are still those open wounds that haven't tried to heal
i scream out loud, i call for help...but there's no voice in my throat...
there's nothing i can do...would, now, i'd have to kneel??

no! this cannot be....please cradle me in your arms....
tell me, this is all a nightmare...and that, i'll wake up soon...
there are grey clouds...there's a frightening thunder
there are no rays of hope, even on those horizons beyond that crescent moon...
an old jilted tree stands by my side, struck by lightening, its now afire....
is this what is to become of me too? is this what they say is the Judgement Call??
standing here on this cliff, can't even see any ground beneath...
there's nothing i can do, there's nowhere i can go, there's no-one who even bothers...
i close my eyes, never to open.... the only way out is....
to fall........

Wednesday, January 14, 2009









you inside.....!!!!!

didn't brush in the morning
didn't even smoke a ciggerette
coz your taste was still lingering in my mouth
and, believe me, there'd never be any regret!
your words still resonating in my ears
your hand, still holding mine!
my lips couldn't stop blushing and smiling
in my eyes was a strange shine!
your touch, even now, so fresh!
your scent still wraps my skin!
my pulses still beat in the aftermath
i never felt something akin!
what the hell are you doing to me, eh?
do you even have a clue?
how badly you made me yours!!
and how much i want you!?!
"don't, please, don't make me yours"
huh! what a weak request!
you know i am yours, forever to be
you're like the end to my long quest...
the memories of those moments,
don't let me sleep a wink!
my pulses throb in the reminence
my apocalypse, just at the brink!!
your arms still hold me tight
your fingers still rove over me
that fight still brings a flush!
that kiss reddens my cheeks...
i'm still feeling your breaths on my neck
i'm still feeling your gaze on me
and that sudden excuse or looking away...
you're really not letting me be!!!
that bearded, sensuous face of yours,
its still like i'm sitting by your side!
i still feel like you're reading my thoughts
even if we're distant by miles!!
you filled me drop by drop...
letting me overflow!
kissing me hard, yet so tender
no rush, you had me slow!!!
why do i still smile and hide my face!?!
why are you so omnipresent for me!?!
guess i have no answers and questions don't end...
why do i feel you living in the inside of me!?!?


penning head frowns
going back to memories
those myths of b'ful stories
someday, these memories were cherished
but now cuz of them, i perish!!
...sometimes i wish things would be like i want them...
sometimes life is such a mystery
it goes over my head
pinches me inside my system,
agony leaves me dead...
and its such a venom
it drips right down
from all the words you just said
leaves me dead...dead!!
all i wanted to hear,
some kind words, not just those spears
killing me outright
and why?
why could you not have lied?
so convincing and just so precise
your deciet, my suicide!!
set me free...
let me be...
coz now that its over,
so, just now you stop clogging my mind
you're left behind... behind!!!!

Friday, January 9, 2009


walking a little by-lane yesterday
this guy winked at me...
i winked back with a mysterious smile!
startled, he stumbled a step!
i turned to my friends
and we all had a conspicuous giggle!!

i lit a ciggie on my way
another smoker gave me a stare
i turned around and instead of avoiding him
i raised my middle finger with a glare!
embarassed, he turned his eyes low,
all my group laughed out loud!!

entering the disc,
i commented on the bouncer's shirt
though, with a little smile, he acknowledged,
but inside, he came to form a "friendship"
with a foreign look,i pretended to try
try not to be nice, but to remember him
on his faded smile, i blurted, "GROW UP"!!!!

boozing, there i sat on the cusion
my ciggie in the other hand
oblivious, yet knowing the stares,
i enjoyed that notorious attention of "men"

Nah! "guys" is still mature for them
poor kids yet to come to terms with fun
whats the harm in a "gal" fagging or boozing when you do the same!?!
Kidoz!!! intended all pun!!
"grow up"! my favourite line to them

frustrated, disgusted and desperate
that's why they're so good at rape
a kick on their groins and empty balls
degraded descendents of apes!!

I'm HaPpY!!!!

dried tears, pasted smile
open wounds, bleeding like Nile
parted lips, words don't come
Guilty over what i've become!
still, no worries mate!
I'm HaPpY!!

so what if the paths are lonely
so what if sometimes its all phoney!?!
so what if the way back home always seem long?
still i hum a little narcissist song!
maybe i do, but i don't want anyone!
might be you don't think, but,
I'm HaPpY!!

thay come, they go away
they ditch or they stay
sometimes i feel irritated by far
still i smile looking at that star
even if i just have the words to show,
don't worry,
I'm HaPpY!!

the night descends on my tiredness
the sun collects its rays it harness
i see myself winking at my reflection
these eyes of mine away from tensions
stranded, but weak no more!
I'm HaPpY!!

whatever becomes of tomorrow
whatever the depths of sorrow
i'm wary of a long face
bouncy steps, i've regained my grace
hell to do with the worries now
I'm HaPpY!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

-> Hyperbole <-

waking up, cringing, at nights
shivering, it all seemed right
oh baby, what happened?
where did we go wrong?
darling, you could have said...
why did you leave me forlorn?

i'm damned, nostalgic already
everything has ended, but not this tragedy.
lovlorn, stuck in dis corner
i've run outta every remedy

stranded, abandoned, i knew it...
it hardly matters now, its like a hyperbole

there are open wounds
it pains me not anymore
half numbed, half maniacal
lying in a daze on this seashore

how could i go this far?
was i even serious before?
like a caged bird, flapping its wings,
what am i yelling?
i'm so unsure!!

it seems a hyperbole to you?
i should have known afore
baby, i cannot forgo you....
should i have been banging on your door?

i still miss your soft breaths
i still miss that throbbing dance
its insane not to call you back
but, guess, i was never game for another chance!

maybe it IS a hyperbole
but, baby, i cannot subside it now
i gotta flout this silence within me
i gotta accept it somehow...

so sure, yet so loveswept i am, but how!?!
i have to end my hyperbole....
can't take it now!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009


i read a poem way back in my school magazine, and in it, was one very obvious thing, that "new year", is actually just another year with 365/366 days to drag by. the only thing that ACTUALLY changes is....well, the C@LeNdeR!!!!

the calamities still keep striking and expose us to our inability to maintain a balance b/w nature and us "human beings".

the terrorists still keep working on their plans on how to terrorise people! i sometimes wonder, how would their new year resolutions read as? "this year, i plan to master all the guns".,"this year, i have to go to atleast one of the missions.","this year i have to kill atleast a hundred innocents"....and so on....

but none of these terrorists would resolve, "this year i plan to read an authentic version of the Qu'ran myself and see the actual meaning or the history behind Jehad." -or- "this year, i have to make my fellows truly respect Islam and tell them that even Islam aims at harmony and peace!"

...and so foolish of me to even think that those herds of sheep led by fanatics still have a responsible and sane soul left amongst them!!
even this "new year" our corrupt politicians would keep taking bribes and would go on fighting amongst themselves...the country can always go to hell!!!

even we, the "youth" would keep yelling things we know nothing about and certainly dont mean...blocking roads and even end up in mob-violence-- one chance to actually prove that we are no better than the primitives!!!

So, what's new this "New Year"??

maybe you'd wanna, please be my guest!!

Friday, January 2, 2009


you're so not here

then why are you still near?

these woes so unsaid and unheard

my tendencies are becoming my fears!!

once there was sharing

there was an attitude of caring

now there's a damn for these hurts

i don't care how am i faring!!

its just like it was yesterday

not distant, prolonged or far away...

the agonies drown in reminiscing

until reality raises another today!!

i miss sometimes those stupid smiles i had

deepening feelings, enigmatic, too bad!!

it was true till an extent, i still think

yet nothing excites me anymore, too sad!!

there was a phase that sure does come

instead of the warning bells, i did succumb...

now the leftovers bring a tear, dont know why!?!

is this the face of the girl i have become?

the parties are fun no more

faking every thought i lived for!

holding my own hand, i have to stand-by

this never used to be the case before!!

is this the end or still a pause?

is this any judgement or just a clause??

with trmbling hands i jot down shits...

i maybe not worth, but who doesn't have flaws???

stay! my ragged breathing helps me not..

stay!! this soul is stuck in devastating clots..

stay!! my heart is scattered in bits..

stay! for without you....

Don't even wanna give it a thought!!!