Monday, October 20, 2008

PLIGHT OF BEING.......19!!!!

plight of being 19, is more than grave!
sometimes, i'm made to feel, i recieved more than i gave!!
sometimes i feel being unfair to, and treated bad...
the plight of being 19, is to take pride in being uselessly sad!!!

plight of being 19, is that you just never know!
unknowingly, shamelessness becomes a part of the status quo!!
the feeling of being a part of everything, yet away from all...
the plight of being 19, are the changing fashions with every fall!!!

plight of being 19, is the social acceptance!
the matching vibes and intellectual equivalence!!
discussions about politics, wardrobes and boyfriends...
the plight of being 19, is that these discussions never end!!!

plight of being 19, is the liking towards blaring music!
finding it is cool to be on-the-face and abusive!!
driving bikes and cars top gear, full- speed, just to show-off...
the plight of being 19, is to give the parents an endless list to scoff!!!

plight of being 19, is that money never stays!
no matter how much the pocket-money, it all goes away!!
tempted by Mills'n'Boons, about privacy, so neurotic...
the plight of being 19, is the challenge to stay-off from narcotics!!!

plight of being 19, is actually no "plight" at all..
its just superficial confusions, that's all!!
time 'n' again struck by the Cupid descending from the moon...
the last part of being 19, is that this stupid Teenage would end soon!!!


Anonymous said...

its gud but didnt like 1 line n it...........

MAHI said...

is it d 1st line or just one line??
i wrote what i wanted n felt like writing!!

BeautiFice 'd beautiful sacrifice' said...

nice flow of thoughts...incredible!

MAHI said...

thnk u!!
good dat such comments come from an incredible poet himself!!

humanobserver said...

Well, I think I will not mind to repeat fellow blogger BeautiFice 'd beautiful sacrifice's line - nice flow of thoughts....

MAHI said...

thank u!!!
i really appreciate