Friday, October 17, 2008


somewhere, the sun rises
and in my mind, i see you beside me
somewhere, i cradle the phone
your voice still lingers in my ears
can you still hear me? do you still see?
you're all that i have, and will always be!

somewhere the rain starts to fall
and in my heart, i hold you close to me
somewhere i reach out my hand
wanting your fingers entwined with mine...
can you still feel me? do you still see?
you're all that i want, and will ever need!

somewhere the birds begin to sing
and in my soul, i ache to have you near me
somewhere i breathe out a soft, lonely sigh
your whispers echo in my mind...
can you still touch me? do you still see?
you're all i dream about, and forever you'll be!

somewhere the clouds drift slowly by
and in my ears, i hear you laugh
somewhere i look shyly at the ground
your eyes meet with mine
can you still need me? do you still see?
you're all i care about, and it'll always be!

somewhere across thousands of miles
my eyes look to the stars and i smile...
and in an instant, i realise.....


Anonymous said...

comin from d dis poem seems like an irony....
r u sure ur fine?

Anonymous said...

whooaaa gal...
loved it so much!! like i....

Unknown said...


nice poem gr8 u write so well


MAHI said...

ishi,,,it aint ironious....
n shantu, watch it!!
thx adi!!

humanobserver said...

And the last four lines.......

MAHI said...

hmm....d last four lines....

BeautiFice 'd beautiful sacrifice' said...

awesome....liked the 4 lines at the end the most...

MAHI said...

thnk u! thnk u!!