Sunday, October 5, 2008

end of my tolerance

d more i push hard
the more i'm pulled back
by condescending talks
and condemning attacks
those bitter acceptance
of denials and sins
blame it on the losses
coz they overshadow my wins
justification of my end
lies within my disappointments
wat i feel- wat i do
is cursed by poisonous assignments

i'm plagued, i'm enraged
by abnormality of delays
i'm happy dat i'm caged
coz slavery releases freedom in many ways!!

i'm gonna burn every piece of me,
and destroy myself to a rubble of ash
there ain't no way of being free
coz thought and action always clash

my lonely world is all mine
and i need to be always there
coz its better to quit than keep trying
wen tolerance is murdered
by pardonful, untrue care.....


Anonymous said...

You write well! Hope you can come visit my site here in blogger. I have a literary blog at wordpress which I am also inviting you to see it's at
see you around.

humanobserver said...

After reading this poem I must confess that you have an amazing writing skill....