Sunday, September 28, 2008


why this dillemma over crossed memories again? why am i feeling the pangs of pain? this ain't a rhyme, yet it comes out this way... of deciet, of loneliness, and how can i get away!?!

i don't know, my mind doesn't speak anymore. alone, away from all, bruised till my core... no friend to speak to, no one to care... i left them all back for sometime, until i come out clear...

but i miss him so much with every blink... and i miss my friends... i'm on the brink_ to cut loose and fly away into the unknown_ into the birds and the flowers and never be hurt by the stones...

i feel like an escapist!! and hell, i'm even boasting this fact... but suddenly my hopelessness seems like my destiny's pact...

i've left back the people who said that they needed me... i didn't bring with myself those people i needed to be.... i don't know why, just why did i tread alone in these murky pasts... maybe to revitalise myself and leave behind some gore masks....

i'm not liking here in Almora...even in the hills, the cold wind and this weather that i would have loved otherwise.... i'm not liking myself to be far away from each and every of my friend, away from him.... but i guess i gotta do that if i again wanna give you all my real feelings....

i guess i need my time.... and i hope i'll get it....
Love you,
and miss you all...

take care!!


humanobserver said...

Don't be a escapist. Face the reality. You will have to bear the pain because we all bear it because we are human beings.

humanobserver said...

thanks a lot for your response.....