Thursday, August 27, 2009


you soared like a meteor
across my dark, moonless sky.
the scattered stars with
their apprehensive shyness,
your blazing tail
dripping saccharine sadism
upon the unblinking eyes
of my adoration,

you shot over the horizon
then you were gone.
it was all like it was before.
but i was blinded.
my eyes cannot adjust.
my light won't return.
you took it along with you.

i was left with a deep crater
upon the heaving bosom
of my deep desires-

that flash of light,
that moment of dazzle,
a hazy chamber of
You and Me.
that instance of eternity
beyond comprehension,
idly wafting the wings
of my unborn wants.

and then you vanished.
just how you had appeared.
my little orgasm of chastity-
you took it along with you.

i was left with a searing burn
upon the cushions of my harmony-

Monday, July 13, 2009

No Clue....

savoring the taste
the tongue can't feel.
one glance with that raised brow
all wounded desires heal!
pouring in the imaginations
like intoxication of the wine,
marijuana with a double high.
blinding daze in a glistening shine!

no clue as to when it started!?!
no clue as to why!?!
no clue as to why this heart skips a beat!?!
no clue how i fly!?!

i feel drunk at the sight of you...
you're the genie in the gin glass.
you seem so real when you're there.
i wish i could touch your candyfloss!!

no clue as to why is it there!?!
no clue if its fine.
no clue why i love you!?!
and why you aren't mine!?

Saturday, July 11, 2009


is it madness to talk
about music, football and Hugh
incessantly, all night,
yet finding the repeated talks all new!?!

is it madness to cry
on every 5th April for Cobain?
or not being able to fathom
that Jacko has gone, in vain!?!

ain't it acceptable
to weep at length for the loss of Germany?
to cry till morning for Zidan
and utter a curse or so many?

is it really madness to imagine
Hugh Jackman sitting with you?!
or Christian Bale on a bike
and on backseat its you?!

is it madness to feel wasted
just coz you can't play the drums?
or can't even handle a guitar properly?
or feel drenched when Cobain hums?

is it madness to headbang
when Mojo is performing on a high?
when Hendrix yells "My Voodoo Child"?
when Lucas Rossi sings with a sigh?
when Bono takes you to streets with no names?
when Pearl Jam creates a Jeremy fling?
is it filthy to have an adrenaline rush
when Steve Tyler doesn't wanna miss a thing?

if it IS madness
to live in Music and Rock in dark,
to see Hugh or Bale and feel a spark,
to feel consumed wholly
by gigantic Football shark,

if it IS madness
to yell for Roger and laugh at Nadal,
to wear sportsmen jerseys
Like customed modals...

if it IS madness
to feel the Rush or the Halt
for the whom its all about,

Sunday, May 10, 2009


where there were whispers,
now remains a silent quiet.
where there were smiles,
now remain solitary tears.

the clocks kept ticking,
but the time never passed.
the sun set and rose again,
but the shadows never left.

that feeling of wholeness
replaced by an ugly hollow.
promises to oneself of surity,
turn to words of hopelessness.

seems like yesterday,
yet so prolonged to be counted.
the music hums unheard..
the lyrics turned sardonic.
the solicit joy of loneliness,
exaggerated for reasons unlisted..

two sorrows in different worlds,
together in wait of a final farewell.
two soliliques of sodism,
together we'd be a carnival!
two sillehouttes of each other,
together we'd be a bright beam!
two seperate complaints against life..
together we'd be fate!
two sorrows in different worlds,
bound together in wait...

Monday, April 27, 2009

If you'd be macroni,
I'd be your cheese.
I'd be a piece of furniture
in your life, if you please!!
I'd be the door
if you wanna stay closed.
I'd be your ground
if you wanna rub nose!
I'd be the chime
if it makes you good
I'd be the fog
settling 'round your hood!

if you want that I shall go,
I'd be the time!
if you wanna get drunk,
I'd be the wine!
if the lights go off,
I'd be your candle.
if you wanna get fame,
I'd be your scandle!!

just anytime
if you want me,
then I'd be....

Friday, April 24, 2009


The orange band
underlines the dark sky.
the light sweeps over the stars.
there's still one shining bright in the west.
the birds have just started
to chirp their early greetings.
the cold air is preparing
to give way to hot gusts.

the early risers are out
for their morning walks.
in the lap of nature,
I walk too!
the trees fresh from sleep
are letting the birds free
from their protected nests.
the spread green carpet
of the harvests till far
welcomes the orange ball.

a solitary bird flies
across the beautiful orange
like the shadow of night's remembrance.
by the time I return
a hot yellow grabola of fire
makes beads of perspiration trickle.
just when the world is going to work,
I close my room and turn on the cooling.
its time to work,
but I burnt the midnight oil.
its a beautiful morning...
but, Goodnight!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

You See Not Me....

yea, we'd sure look good
sitting by the fireplace...
but in our seperate houses!!

it might work out
whatever you want...
but, chuck the idea of being like spouses!

you're no Greek-God
I'm no honey-tanned either...
but together we're too cute for two ugly people!!

you're a lame horse, me a busy bee!
opposites shall we!!
but I want something like moss on a steeple!

sure I said our lives are decreed.
People don't chance upon, they meet!
but I love bending the rules for now.

take offence! and if you wanna flee...
baby, don't minus a jinx from my sleeve!
but, I do want you to go anyhow!

because what you see,
you see not me!
what you wanna see,
its simply not me!!